June 19, 2007

Fishing and Church

More than likely, this man does not believe in the centrality of the Church.

May 31, 2007

Battle of Jutland

Today, May 31, is the ninety-first anniversary of the Battle of Jutland, the largest navel battle of World War I. It was the only major clash of battleships in the war.

The British had blockaded the ports of Germany, leaving the Second Reich in a desperate situation. In order for the blockade to be broken, the British navy had to be defeated in a massive navy battle. Thus began the battle of Jutland...

Click here to learn more about this massive battle.

Edit: The 45th did fight in the First World War, but they did not participate in this engagement. This was exclusively a navy and air battle, and the warring sides were the British and the Germans. America had not yet entered the war.

May 30, 2007

Vengeance on Baby Killers

The reason why the Middle East hates us? The answer is simple yet painful. According to a member Al-Qaeda, terrorists refuse to talk with "baby killers." How chilling! If only everyone in America were to follow the Sixth Commandment, Al-Qaeda would not hate us...

May 29, 2007

Monster Hog

Before I go on with this big news, I have even bigger news. NO, I HAVE NOT DIED! I know you were searching the newspapers for my obituary, gone in to mourning,and all that other stuff. But now, rejoice! You have not gotten rid of me yet!

Now onto the the less exciting news. You are probably to busy rejoicing to read it, but I will put it up anyway.

In Alabama, a boy shot the new world-record hog with a pistol. It took 3 hours and nine shots to finally bring it down.

March 02, 2007


Draw your swords men...and women?!

March 01, 2007

Oh, the Humble Arrogance!

In his book, Orthodoxy, Chesterton maintains that modern men are much too humble. We might be shocked at this assumption, but Chesterton goes on to explain, “A man was meant to be doubtful about himself, but undoubting about the truth; this has been exactly reversed. Nowadays, the part of a man that a man does assert is exactly the part he ought not to assert – himself. The part he doubts is exactly the part he ought not to doubt – the Divine Reason…the new sceptic is so humble that he doubts if he can even learn.” When you hear this statement, you immediately think that you should have thought of that.

True to his nature, Chesterton adds a little twist of humor that fits in just perfectly. He says, “We are on the road to producing a race of men too mentally modest to believe in the multiplication tables.”

Let me say no more, and you go buy the book yourself.

February 22, 2007

The Refutation of Narcissus and Echo

Here is a myth I had to refute for school. Click here to see another refuted myth.

There is an ancient Roman myth about a hurt lover, a proud man, and a vengeful goddess. Although enjoyable, this myth is definitely false.

Once there lived a man named Narcissus, who was loved by a nymph named Echo. Echo pursued Narcissus, attempting to win his affection. Sharply, Narcissus told Echo that he did not love her. Angered at his response, the nymph asked Nemesis, the goddess of retribution, for help. Pitying Echo, Nemesis caused Narcissus to fall in love with his own reflection. Narcissus was so enamored with himself that he refused to eat. He grew thinner and thinner until, with a cry of pain and agony, he withered into a flower. Although still angry with Narcissus, Echo felt sorry for him and echoed his cries.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to show you a few contradictions, errors, improbabilities, impossibilities, and logical fallacies in this myth. I am of the belief that, once we have examined this myth, we will see that it is impossible for this to have actually happened.

First, let us look at the author. His name is Publius Ovidius Naso, commonly called Ovid, a master in prose and poetry. If we examine his life, we will see that the Emperor Augustus banished him because of the scandalous nature of his work. Augustus never forgave him, so Ovid died in exile. Because of this, I ask that we examine his works critically, for Augustus was intent on reforming the lives of Roman citizens, and Ovid was encouraging sin.

Second, this myth is improbable. It was most likely written to convey the fact that being too proud can lead to dangerous consequences. Although the moral is true, this myth never happened. The aim of this story is to assist in teaching a moral truth, rather than recount a historical story.

Third, this myth is extremely obscure: there is no physical evidence nor witnesses to verify that this narrative actually took place. We should never, ever simply believe something without some sort of witness or evidence.

Next, this myth is clearly impossible and illogical. Could someone please tell me how a person withers into a flower? And, of all the possibilities, Narcissus becomes a flower after he refuses to eat! Barring the fact that a lack of nutrients fails to create something different, logic itself defeats the story. In logic, the concept of an object is defined by descriptions called notes. A 3rd century logician named Porphyry assisted in the organization of notes by inventing a chart called the Porphyrian Tree. This chart lists all objects in simple categories. If you examine the notes of man, you would see that man is a rational( the ability to distinguish true and false), sentient (having senses), living, material(having a body) substance. Yet a flower is simply a non-sentient, living, material substance. This tells us that a flower is completely different from man. Without a doubt, a rational, sentient, living, material substance can not mysteriously change into a sentient, living, material substance. We now come to the conclusion that a man cannot, and will not, change into a flower.

Ladies and gentlemen, I ask that you examine this evidence for yourself and decide whether this myth is history, or simply a moral story.