May 31, 2007

Battle of Jutland

Today, May 31, is the ninety-first anniversary of the Battle of Jutland, the largest navel battle of World War I. It was the only major clash of battleships in the war.

The British had blockaded the ports of Germany, leaving the Second Reich in a desperate situation. In order for the blockade to be broken, the British navy had to be defeated in a massive navy battle. Thus began the battle of Jutland...

Click here to learn more about this massive battle.

Edit: The 45th did fight in the First World War, but they did not participate in this engagement. This was exclusively a navy and air battle, and the warring sides were the British and the Germans. America had not yet entered the war.

May 30, 2007

Vengeance on Baby Killers

The reason why the Middle East hates us? The answer is simple yet painful. According to a member Al-Qaeda, terrorists refuse to talk with "baby killers." How chilling! If only everyone in America were to follow the Sixth Commandment, Al-Qaeda would not hate us...

May 29, 2007

Monster Hog

Before I go on with this big news, I have even bigger news. NO, I HAVE NOT DIED! I know you were searching the newspapers for my obituary, gone in to mourning,and all that other stuff. But now, rejoice! You have not gotten rid of me yet!

Now onto the the less exciting news. You are probably to busy rejoicing to read it, but I will put it up anyway.

In Alabama, a boy shot the new world-record hog with a pistol. It took 3 hours and nine shots to finally bring it down.